NOTDuolingo Spanish Verb Memory Drill

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Verb List with Pronunciation:

Memory Tips for Each Verb:

  1. correr - to run, to leave
    • Memory Tip: Sounds like 'corridor,' where you might run down a hallway or leave quickly.
    • Visual Cue: Picture someone running out the door or sprinting down a street.
    • Mnemonic: 'Correr' = 'corridor,' think of running.
  2. cortarse - to cut oneself off, to avoid
    • Memory Tip: 'Cortar' means 'to cut,' and adding 'se' makes it reflexive, indicating cutting oneself off or avoiding something.
    • Visual Cue: Imagine someone isolating themselves or avoiding a situation by cutting off communication.
    • Mnemonic: 'Cortar' + 'se' = 'cut oneself off.'
  3. currar - to work (commonly used in Spain)
    • Memory Tip: 'Currar' sounds like 'career,' which is related to working.
    • Visual Cue: Picture someone at a job, diligently working at their desk or on a construction site.
    • Mnemonic: 'Currar' = 'career' work.
  4. cuidar - to take care of
    • Memory Tip: 'Cuidar' sounds like 'cure,' which is related to taking care of someone or something.
    • Visual Cue: Imagine a nurse taking care of a patient or a person caring for a plant.
    • Mnemonic: 'Cuidar' = 'care' or 'cure.'
  5. darle - to go for it, to try
    • Memory Tip: 'Darle' is composed of 'dar' (to give) + 'le,' and in this context, it means giving something a try or going for it.
    • Visual Cue: Picture someone taking a leap of faith or trying something new.
    • Mnemonic: 'Darle' = 'give it a shot.'


For More Advanced Students

Story Creation

Create a short story or dialogue using all five verbs. This will help solidify your understanding of when and how to use each verb correctly. Translate the story into English to check your understanding.